夢想羽翼湯叉筷套組 含筷架( 贈3格防水收納袋)
筷意人生 完美組合 (含鈦筷)
鈦筷 快樂生活美學 人生幸福洋溢
送戀人,祝福 永浴愛河、幸福長久
送新人,祝福 成雙成對、永久幸福
送朋友,祝福 溫馨友誼、相處愉快、長長久久
送師長,祝福 德高望重、身體康泰、圓滿幸福
送同事、長輩,祝福 步步高昇、快意人生
Titanium Chopsticks
Traditional meanings of giving chopsticks as a gift
To lovers- Happy life; may your life be filled with joy
To newlyweds- God blessings
To friends- Everlasting friendship that will always be cherished
To superiors- Prosperity, health and joy
To colleagues- Successful career; may everything go smoothly
金屬筷 獲產品新型專利 :方形筷身 不易滾動!